Sunday, March 15, 2015

Human Anatomy insight Your Body amp How it Works


When you first decided to study the human anatomy there must have been a reason. Possibly you are planning on becoming a physician or Nurse, or some other type of condition care professional. Actually some citizen opt to study it just out of personal interest. Anyhow you were probably thinking that you will be learning the separate systems, the organs and Possibly some illnesses.

Human Anatomy - insight Your Body & How it Works

You probably didnt give much belief to the basics. For example, to be able to study properly, you will need to learn how to divide the body into parts. I dont mean the systems. When you have to learn about how something works, you must dissect it to see what its made of up. The same applies in human anatomy. Visualization is going to mean everything in your studies. By learning how to visualize the body in sections, will help you when it comes time for the study in the other areas. These sections are particularly leading when it comes to curative imaging.

When you come to this section of your learning, take a piece of blank paper, and draw it into four equal boxes. As you start with a section put a sketch , along with the data for that single section in one box. Now do the same in the next three. You will have 4 separate blocks of information, but when you look at the paper as a whole it is the entire human anatomy. This is an perfect way to start training your mind how to visualize.

You will probably then go on to learn about position and direction. What this means is what the association of one organ is to another. A neat way to learn this is to have the full body drawn on a piece of paper. As you learn the separate positions and directions draw a box arrow on the diagram showing its direction. (a box arrow is a fat arrow that you can color in).

Lets take an example. Suppose you are given the terms, cranial, superior, rostra. What are these terms referring to? You probably got a hint from the word cranial, as it is a fairly base term. So what these terms mean is, they refer to a structure being closer to the head, or above an additional one structure of the body. So draw a arrow pointing up from the top of the head. Color the arrow in, (now you can write the explanation in small writing, point form beside the arrow. Put a box around the writing and color it the same color as the arrow.

Lets do one more. You are given the term anterior, ventral. This means that the structure is more toward the front than an additional one structure of the body. So draw a fat arrow on the chest pointing out. With a separate color, fill in the arrow. Again in small letters write in the meaning, and put a box around the writing in the same color as the arrow.

Continue doing this for each of the terms and positions you will be learning. At the end you will have a condensed study sheet.

It must be pointed that when referring to these terms it is when the body is in the accepted anatomical position, which is the body standing erect, limbs extended, palms of hands facing forward.

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