Monday, March 9, 2015

Giant Human Fossilized Foot is Unearthed Near San Diego California

Giant Human Fossilized Foot is Unearthed Near San Diego, California

Los Angeles Times July 21, 1895

A Notable Fossil Find In San Diego County
A Human Hoof Twenty Inches Long and  "Big in Proportion" -  On a par with the Famous Calaveras Skull What Scientists Say

      San Diego, July 18. - Special Correspondence. a discovery made in Sweetwater Valley in San Diego county some time ago may yet create a sensation among scientists when the full import of the fossil is made known.
      While digging a well the workmen unearthed what appears to be the fossil of a huge human foot, a photograph of which has been taken specially for The Times.

      This foot is twenty inches long and of exceedingly large dimensions. It was found some forty or fifty feet below the surface of the earth, and had there been a means at hand for further exploration, it is believed that other parts of a gigantic human skeleton, of which this fossilized foot is deemed a part, might have been found.


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